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The Importance of Regular Math Practice for Indian School Children

The Importance of Regular Math Practice for Indian School Children

Parents Parents of CBSE NCERT Students

2023-07-25 22:16:15


Mathematics is an essential subject for all students, regardless of their future career goals. However, in India, many students struggle with math, and their performance in the subject is often below par. One of the main reasons for this is lack of regular practice.


Regular math practice helps students to:


Develop a strong foundation in the subject. When students practice math regularly, they have the opportunity to solidify their understanding of the concepts and skills they are learning. This makes it easier for them to learn new material and to solve problems.

Improve their problem-solving skills. Math problems require students to use critical thinking and logic to find solutions. Regular practice helps students to develop these skills, which are essential for success in school and in life.

Increase their confidence in math. When students see that they are able to solve math problems, their confidence in their abilities grows. This can lead to a more positive attitude towards math, which can make it more enjoyable to learn.

In India, there are a number of resources available to help students practice math regularly. These include:

Maths and English workbooks from are a great way for students to practice their skills and improve their understanding of the subjects. The workbooks are available in PDF format for just Rs. 100 each, and they are aligned with the CBSE, NCERT, and SCERT curriculum.

The workbooks contain a variety of exercises and activities that are designed to help students develop their problem-solving skills, their understanding of concepts, and their fluency in the language. The exercises are graded according to difficulty level, so students can find ones that are challenging but also achievable.


Online math games and activities. There are many websites and apps that offer math games and activities that are fun and engaging. These resources can help students to practice math in a way that is enjoyable and motivating.

Math clubs and tutoring programs. Math clubs and tutoring programs can provide students with additional opportunities to practice math and to get help from qualified teachers.

Homework assignments. Homework assignments can help students to practice math concepts and skills that they are learning in school.

It is important for school children to practice math regularly to develop a strong foundation in the subject and to improve their problem-solving skills. There are several resources available to help students practice math, and parents and teachers can play a role in encouraging students to practice math regularly.


Here are some additional tips for helping Indian school children practice math regularly:


Make math fun and engaging. Use games, puzzles, and other activities to make math fun and engaging for students.

Find a learning style that works for each child. Some children learn best by doing, while others learn best by listening. Find a way to help each child learn math in a way that is effective for them.

Be patient and encouraging. Math can be challenging for some children. Be patient and encouraging, and help them to build their confidence in their abilities.

With regular practice and encouragement, school children can develop a strong foundation in math and be successful in the subject.