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Why Should Kids Learn English Grammar

Why Should Kids Learn English Grammar

Parents Parents of CBSE NCERT Students

2023-07-26 22:19:42

How Regular Practice of English Grammar Can Help CBSE & NCERT School Children

English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and it is becoming increasingly important in India. To succeed in school, in their careers, and in life, school children need to have a strong foundation in English grammar.

Regular practice of English grammar can help Indian school children in several ways.

  • It can help them to communicate more effectively. When school children understand the rules of grammar, they are better able to express their thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely. This can help them to succeed in school, in their careers, and in their personal lives.
  • It can help them to improve their writing skillsGood grammar is essential for good writing. When school children practice grammar regularly, they are better able to write clear, concise, and error-free sentences. This can help them to get better grades in school and to write more effectively in their professional lives.
  • It can help them to improve their understanding of English. Grammar is the foundation of English. When school children understand the rules of grammar, they have a better understanding of the language. This can help them to learn new vocabulary and to comprehend English texts more easily.

There are several ways that Indian school children can practice English grammar regularly.

  • They can do their homework assignments. Homework assignments are a great way for Indian school children to practice grammar. When they do their homework assignments, they are forced to apply the rules of grammar in a real-world setting.
  • They can read English books and articles. Reading English books and articles is a great way for Indian school children to be exposed to good grammar. When they read, they can see how the rules of grammar are used in practice.
  • They can take English grammar classes. English grammar classes can be a great way for Indian school children to learn the rules of grammar and to practice using them.
  • They can use online grammar resources. There are several online grammar resources that Indian school children can use to practice grammar. These resources can provide them with explanations of the rules of grammar, practice exercises, and feedback on their work.

Maths and English workbooks from are a great way for students to practice their skills and improve their understanding of the subjects. The workbooks are available in PDF format for just Rs. 100 each, and they are aligned with the CBSE, NCERT, and SCERT curriculum.

The workbooks contain a variety of exercises and activities that are designed to help students develop their problem-solving skills, their understanding of concepts, and their fluency in the language. The exercises are graded according to difficulty level, so students can find ones that are challenging but also achievable.


With regular practice and encouragement, school children can develop a strong foundation in math and be successful in the subject.